Day 4 – Rolling, Rolling, Rolling….

Interesting Day 4 I’ve had 😄.

Since last post I mentioned I would work on setting up Google Analytics and research and select traffic techniques. I’ll get to that shortly, but for now just wanted to briefly share my choice of online business.

I am not fully new to online business, I’ve tried network marketing, direct sales and drop ship type businesses and was unsuccessful in those for different reasons. These are not necessarily bad business models; you just need to invest and have a mentor to lead you to success.

I am, however, new to my current choice, Affiliate Marketing. It is marketing/promoting products and services that someone else created and getting paid a commission for each sale. I chose this as it is a proven industry, will be lucrative for a long time and something I’ve been examining for the better part of a year. I’m not ready to make my own products at this time, but I can start making a living promoting other people’s products for now.

There are many scams out there in Affiliate Marketing and any other online business. You need to do your due diligence and research. I can help with that if you have questions, just share them with me. There are also many very serious and honest Affiliate Marketers and online businesses out there, like the one I found. Don’t be afraid of online business, it can give you your dream life!

There is no limit to how much money can be made in affiliate marketing and there are successful mentors one can get help from. My mentor, as I’ve mentioned in past, is Dean Holland. He has made millions, overcome many obstacles and is very focused on offering his mentees individual help; I haven’t seen his equal in the quality of assistance he provides.

It’s been such a roller-coaster ride of emotions, fears, mistakes, successes…many ups and downs. Dean’s help, inspiration and support is the only reason I can continue to move forward as I have!

Anyway, I can share more about mistakes and successes as they come and if interested, I can share more about affiliate marketing as well. If you keep following this blog you will know all I experience 🙂. As you can see I am very passionate about affiliate marketing and what I am experiencing, but I’ll stop my rambling and go on to Google Analytics.

Well, how was it setting up Google Analytics?

Actually, it wasn’t so bad. I followed their very specific instructions and bingo-bango it was set up. The lengthier part comes in the days ahead while I learn how to use it properly. Google has several hours of training videos which I can view with time.

Google Analytics is about collecting information about visits to the blog or website. Info about what pages or posts people gravitate towards and more. This information is important and helps to understand what people like, what works, so I can give more of people are interested in.

It’s like having a brick-and-mortar business, and the owners watch for which products people buy more of and less of so they can understand the best products to sell. It can be tracked when evaluating sales/purchases made. In grocery stores there are cameras in each isle and this is not so much to prevent theft but more so to understand how people shop. There is a science to which grocery items are placed on specific areas of the shelving for a reason. They learned it by watching shoppers.

We know statistics are important for growth.

I could keep rambling on here but it’s time to go for today. I will continue tomorrow and share about the traffic options I am considering.

Stay tuned 🙂 see you soon. Please do share any thoughts or questions with me, I will respond.


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