Setting Up for A New Year – Positive Transition & Change πŸ“ˆ

Wow, it’s now been 68 Days since I drew my line in the sand and started this journey!

It’s also been a few weeks since I last posted and there’s been a lot going on!

The important part is that I have not given up or quit the affiliate marketing business! πŸ˜‰

I’ve just been busy with transitioning my affiliate marketing business to get it set up in a way to make 2024 an explosive year of success! πŸ’₯

Transition and Change

These are words that scare people, but it doesn’t have to. Like anything in life, transition and change can be challenging to manage as it involves more work, learning, new obstacles to learn through, our thoughts and emotions get challenged.  😨

Certain tasks get put on hold in order to make the change and can feel like taking steps backwards. It’s important to make sure we keep focused on the outcome the change will bring for the better.

An example of this is me not writing blog posts for a few weeks to work the transition. The downside would be feeling like I’ve disconnected from anyone following my blog. πŸ˜•

The exciting part is that I will have so much more to learn, experience, and write about in future blog posts which you will benefit from in your own advancement in affiliate marketing!

So, What’s the Transition? 🀷

If you remember, I’ve mentioned in the past that I have an amazing mentor which I get help and coaching from to reach the success I’m working towards. My mentor has again gone above and beyond and created a new software system that cost him tens of thousands of dollars, but for our benefit as mentees! 😁

It’s called the Affiliate System, and it is where I will be able to run my business almost all from this one system. It means I will have fewer additional services needed to run my business and it will save on costs. An example is My WordPress blog, where before I would have to pay WordPress to use this service, it’s now incorporated in the new Affiliate System at no additional cost to me. πŸ’²

This means I could transfer my WordPress to the new system and remove the cost I was paying for my own WordPress service. That’s just one of so many benefits this new Affiliate System has available!

In the future this system will be available to the public and when it gets released it will be a game changer in the Affiliate Marketing world. For now, I am one of about 200 people who have the first privilege of utilizing it!

I will certainly be sharing more about the Affiliate System as I work through it but most of all I will share with you when it is time to release it publicly and you might benefit from it as well! Following my progress πŸ‘€ with it as proof of it working well will give you future confidence in maybe utilizing it yourself!

I Am Here! πŸ‘‹

As I mentioned in previous posts, I am available if you have any questions. I would love the opportunity to help you in any way that I can. So, feel free to comment and let’s connect! 🀝

I’ll post one more time before the New Year, but until then Merry Christmas πŸŽ„ to those who celebrate, may peace πŸ•ŠοΈ and joy πŸ”† fill you and your families!

I guess I got a little excited with my emoji’sΒ  πŸ™‚


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. tony simms

    Great point about getting ready for success and knowing what you can put on hold whilst you get set up, though yes I agree that can lead to a feeling that you have lost that connection.

    I also look forward to hearing more about how you are going to use the Affiliate System and how this will lead to revenue.

    I will check back regularly to see how you are gettting on
    tony simms recently posted…Red Tape & No ReturnMy Profile

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Thanks for our feedback Tony! So man thins for us to learn and implement as we move forward. Look forward to having you back and hearing from you!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Steve, thank you for your comment and for sharing your experience! We are learning as we go right πŸ™‚ Hope you can come back and read some more posts in the future!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Thanks for your feedback Alan, it very true. I appreciate you taking time to read my blog. I look forward to you coming back to read future posts!

  2. Ezequiel

    Hi Denny,

    It’s true, that transitions can be intimidating, involving extra effort, learning curves, and the need to navigate new obstacles. It’s commendable that you’re maintaining a positive outlook and emphasizing the ultimate benefits of the change.
    All the best.

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Thanks for your comment Ezequiel! We all experience it and the best way through is to be as positive as we can so we can learn as much as we can. Look forward to having you back again to read some more posts. All the best!

  3. Atif Perwiz

    Denny, your point about not posting for a while is key as without that people don’t know what you are doing and feeling and learning. Communication with your audience is paramount, I wish you all the success in 2024 and will allow your progression with great interest. Thanks. Atif

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Thanks for your comment Atif, I agree it is paramount. If were not communicating we are not making ourselves available. Look forward to you coming back to read some more posts!

  4. Tom

    Fabulous and positive post.
    As one said, to win the game, you have to be in the game, so I am glad you are not giving up.
    It looks like you got a new wind in your sails. I highly encourage you to share all your experiences as this would be highly beneficial for us, your readers.
    I wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2024!
    Tom recently posted…Proving Myself Wrong: Blogging Thrives in 2023My Profile

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Thank you Tom! I appreciate your feedback. That’s the plan, to share my experience whether good or bad as I go through it. Happy New Year!

  5. Brigitte Bergeron

    Hey Denny,
    As you mentioned, transition and change can be scary, yet they can also be transformative πŸ™‚
    Learning about a new system sure does take time and may bring uncertainty and yet the excitement about new ways of doing things and bringing together new knowledge.
    Looking forward to hearing more about what you learn with Affiliate System.

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Brigitte, thanks for your feedback! Yes, it’s important to grow and learn new things to move business forward! Hope to see you back again!

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