Balancing new skills, mentorship, and growth ⚖️

What if you could get advice about the next step in your business from someone who has been successful and made millions of dollars doing what you’re doing?

Someone who’s been there and not only done that but still doing it and showing you how to do it!

I’ll share this with you but first, if you haven’t had a moment to read my previous blog you may want to have a read after this post. It’s about handling when the 💩 hit the fan!

Monthly Mentoring

Every month I have the privilege of getting feedback directly from my mentor recorded on what my next steps should be.

Here’s someone who has gone through the worst of experiences and obstacles helping me move forward so I can avoid some of those obstacles myself.

Someone who has learned and mastered the required skills and process of building an affiliate marketing business and is a leader is this industry.

What would you do if you could have guidance from someone of this caliber in the business you’re building?

I’ve always been of the opinion that learning from someone who’s been there is always more beneficial!

This process dates back farther than we think. Some may call it apprenticeship.

This goes beyond just academic book learning and adds hands on support and on the job walk you through it while you’re building the business. This, I believe, is the most effective way to build a business.

If you haven’t tapped into this, I want to encourage you to give it a shot. If you find the right mentor you will not be disappointed!

My next steps.

I submitted my monthly data collected on a MS Excel spreadsheet, and I included everything I did in the last month. My mentor reviewed it and provided suggestions on what to do next.

He was pleased with the increase I had on my Facebook lead ad clicks and leads. Also the cost per click and cost per lead was reduced considerably from the previous month, which I shared in my previous post.

The main concern with the data was that the opt-in % is low and the leads are not converting into sales.

The advice and recommendations made by my mentor keep on using the FB lead ad, but to get the ad looked at buy one of the other coaches who specializes in FB lead ads.

The goal is to review the ad and see where changes can be made to increase the opt-in %. Currently the opt-in percentage is under 15%.

The second suggestion was to review the follow-up process I use and get the offers I make looked at in order to make adjustments required to make sales.

I’ve submitted the details for the first review to increase the percentage of opt-ins and will be watching that review tomorrow. At which time I’ll make the necessary changes.

After I watch the first review, then I’ll submit what’s needed for the second review, the follow-up and offers made.

It’s all a work in progress and with time and getting the best help the business unfolds.

A turn of events

There’s another change I’ve made which I haven’t documented yet but have been working on for the last month.

As you may or may not know, depending on which blog posts you’ve read, I’ve also been job searching to find an income source until my business is making a secure income.

I haven’t been able to land a position for some time now. It seems employers may be reluctant to hire a higher skilled worker for a more entry level job. The fear could be about the employee leaving as soon as a better position comes up.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, I’ve had to resign from my previous industry as a career counsellor as it had caused some health issues related to stress and poor management.

I’ve since not been able to get a position anywhere else. After many months of job search a decision was made.

My wife and I discussed options and decided I would embark on some additional training through Google’s Coursera, in Digital Marketing and E-commerce.

This would add value to my business as I have already been doing digital marketing in affiliate marketing, and potentially help me land an entry level digital marketing job.

Google has a network of companies worldwide that hire folks who complete certificates like the one I’m completing.

The course is convenient as I could complete it at my own pace, it costs $66 per month, and after completing 7 courses I get a certificate which is recognized by employers.

In this first month I am currently about to finish the 3rd course of the 7 to complete. The average person finishes the certificate within 6 months, I feel ahead of the game.

What keeps me going

It’s been a tough road building this business and being out of work with no money coming in.

I used to say it was a roller coaster ride but after thinking a roller coaster is scary but controlled and quite safe in the end, I changed it.

I would say building a business is more like water rafting, bigger risk and much more work water rafting than roller coasting 😊

Image by Todd MacDonald from Pixabay


Please take a moment and share your thoughts with me by leaving a comment. Maybe you have a question about what you read. Either way, I look forward to reading your comments!

Talk soon


Are you ready to learn a bit more? This is where I started.

The Iceberg Effect

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