The Road to Success: It’s About Who You Become

Hi everyone, I hope you’ve had an amazing week! 👋

What if I told you that we can misunderstand what it means to be successful?   

If we stay MIS-understood we can actually MIS-success! I know this isn’t proper writing but it’s true non the less.

But first, if you haven’t read my last post and want to please feel free to click here to get there. I received a lot of great feedback in the comments of that post! It’s about taking control of your life and business.

How’s The Biz Going?

This past week, since my last post I have been in a lot of training and learned so much!

I’ve been working on organic traffic generation since Facebook still has my lead ad account suspended. I haven’t had any new leads since suspension on July 5th.

Instead, I’ve had 2 leads unsubscribe from my list 😕 but that’s okay, it happens.

Back to the training, I completed two modules (several hours) of training in the Affiliate System.  

This system includes a CRM, web page creator, marketing and automation, membership manager, webinar system and a variety of AI systems for creating emails, blog posts, images and more.

It’s quite the comprehensive system! With it comes a private community of peers helping each other and a classroom I can access anytime for training and development.

This Affiliate System will be available to the public soon and when it is I will certainly share the details with you!

This is where I did my training this week and it really opened my eyes to things I need to shift or add in my tasks and routine to continue becoming successful.

I want to share those notes with you in this post. It has been very enlightening.

I’m sharing notes hoping it’s enough because each point could be a separate blog post, it’s so rich. I may still write a post on some of these as I experience them in my own life.

*Notes are written in bullet form… A little unusual but it focuses on the most important points.

From Great Opportunity to Big Picture

  • Your past does not define your future
  • To have failed does not make you a failure
  • A fool with a plan will always beat a genius without one
  • Be wary of the “Wrong Rocket ship” (The wrong plan/program)
    • What good is it to go through everything involved in launching a rocket ship if it’s heading in the wrong direction.
    • Another analogy is what good is it to climb a ladder if it’s on the wrong building.
  • Focus, consistency and discipline are everything
  • Small steps forward lead to giant leaps
  • No one succeeds alone – Mentorship is essential

The Real Challenge

  • In the early stages of business, we can give up because of all the challenges
  • The challenges are mostly emotionally driven which make you feel a negative way…
  • Every time you quit something and start something else you start from the beginning
    • You keep doing this and you keep going back to the beginning
    • You never push through to success in any one thing
  • When starting out you don’t know what you don’t know, what you’re doing…
    • You must learn all the skills
    • If you quit and restart something else, you will still not know what you don’t know and need to learn the skills anyway.
  • If you don’t push through the challenges and learn the skills full out until successful with one thing is achieved, you remain in a cycle of start and quit, start and quit…
  • We are the real challenge, the greatest hinderance or threat to our own success
  • How do we overcome this?
    • Develop Positive habits, develop your mindset
    • Be focused on what you’re doing, be disciplined
    • Be consistent with all you need to do
    • Become a good student
    • Feel the fear if it’s present, but do it anyway
  • We must become the greatest version of ourselves
  • Success doesn’t just happen… YOU make it happen!
  • To Achieve Success, You Must Become A Person Capable Of It!

Facing Our Fears

  • We all experience fear
  • Fear is a mechanism for survival, to protect ourselves from risk of danger
  • It can work against us regarding the risks in business, wanting to keep safe in stable job
  • Reality is even a job is not necessarily safe, people get fired, companies shut down…
  • The problem is when you let fear control you, YOU MUST CONTROL IT
    • Fear of failure, judgement and what people will think
    • Fear of success, what it will do to you and what people will think of it
  • Practice seeing fear differently
    • Recognize fear as PROGRESS
    • If it wasn’t progress to a new territory, then why would we fear it. We wouldn’t fear a place we are familiar with
    • So, we deal with it by feeling the fear and doing it anyway!
  • How can we do this?
    • Create scenarios in your mind every time you feel fear.
    • What would be worse… to never do this thing or to do it and it goes wrong?
    • To never do it is to never experience the potential upside is much worse
  • Don’t negotiate with your mind – Use the brain don’t let it use you

Creating Positive Habits

  • This very topic is what separates those who make a lot of money and those who make minimal money.
  • How do you know if you have bad habits? Do this week-long time study…
    • Every time you sit at the computer have a notepad and pen and every 15 or 30 minutes, stop and write down what you have done.
    • Do it with honesty, only you can lose from not being honest.
    • Do this for 5 -7 days in duration
    • You will have real honest facts about what you spend your time doing at the computer.
    • The goal is to spend most of our time on income producing activities.
  • How you do one thing is how you do everything
  • What you do away from the computer is just as important as what you do at the computer.
  • Small positive actions help you become the successful person you want to be
    • Don’t hit snooze instead get up and go.
    • Make your bed when you get up, be disciplined, and even if your day doesn’t go well you have a nice made bed when you come home.
    • The little things we do also play a role in becoming successful
  • Identify the bad habits and change them., even a small percentage at a time
  • If you are to get the results you want, you must become the person capable of them.
  • James Clear (8-minute video – Author of Atomic Habits book – 4 areas to focus on)
    • Noticing
      • Think about the thing you want to work on…
      • It’s 6 months from now. Imagine you failed to achieve your goal. Write the story of how it happened. What caused you to fail?
      • Once you have that you can develop a plan which avoids this failure
    • Wanting
      • You can decide to design something so you can make it easier to do better habits and harder to do bad habits
      • You want to play guitar more? Put the guitar in the middle of you living room so no to miss it ever.
      • Needs a positive environment
    • Doing
      • Just shut up and put your reps in…
      • The more reps you put in the better you can reach your goal
      • Instead of optimizing from the finish line (end goal) it’s best to optimize from the starting line. Make it as easy as possible to get started and the reps in
    • Liking
      • We repeat behaviors because we enjoy the reward.
      • Working on good habits there’s usually a cost and the reward comes a little later.
      • We need to bring the reward in sooner. Get a wall calendar, everyday you do the task put an X on that day. By measuring your progress, you get an immediate reward.
      • The more evidence you have for a belief the more likely we are to believe it.
      • The actions you take provide the evidence for who you are.
      • Every action that you take is like a vote for the type of person you want to become.
      • You want to become someone new take a new action and begin to accumulate evidence for that identity, for that belief about yourself.
      • The more votes you cast the more likely you are to win the election.
      • True Change is Identity Change
        • The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader
        • The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner
        • The goal is not to write a book, the goal is to become a writer
      • To become a type of person, develop an identity
      • The way of becoming something is through doing something
      • Every time you write something you are becoming a writer
      • Success is not something you pursue, it’s something you become.

Final Thoughts

  • This is the most important part of becoming successful but so many people don’t pay attention to it at the beginning
  • So many people fail in online business because they are “chasing the money”
  • Don’t chase money, let money chase you
  • Doesn’t mean don’t go after it or don’t want success.
  • It means focus on the activities that create income, the process…
  • Develop the skills that enable you to make income, get good at them and the money will come.

Biggest Takeaway!

My biggest takeaway from this training is that success isn’t a destination, it’s something you become, It’s an identity!

To restate what I mean, here’s the bullets again

  • True Change is Identity Change
    • The goal is not to read a book, the goal is to become a reader
    • The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner
    • The goal is not to write a book, the goal is to become a writer
  • To become a type of person, develop an identity
  • The way of becoming something is through doing something
  • Every time you write something you are becoming a writer
  • Success is not something you pursue, it’s something you become.

This hit like an inspirational baseball bat to the head!

I would like to know if there was anything in this post that you found inspiring, empowering, encouraging…

Even if there was nothing new to you and you want to add any of your own thoughts and feedback about this or something else you learned recently.

Until next post! Please feel free to share this post with anyone you may know who can benefit from it 😊

Talk soon,


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Are you ready to learn a bit more? This is where I started.

The Iceberg Effect


(Any product purchased through a hyperlink on my website may be an affiliate link, potentially resulting in a small commission for me. Please note that these commissions are not an additional cost to you, as they are paid directly by the supplier.)

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Ernie

    Hi Denny – This is such a positive and inspirational post! Thank you so very much for sharing your notes about the training that you completed. Following the notes you captured from your training will be key for anyone’s success, in my opinion. Once one completes the steps required for any project, activity or action one must get in the right mindset. The quote you presented “Success is not something you pursue, it’s something you become.” pretty much sums up the mindset that I strive for when pursuing just about anything. Thank you for taking the time and effort to show your notes in this pretty valuable post. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Ernie,
      Thanks for your comment and feedback!
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and found it inspiring!
      As you mentioned, that right mindset is so critical to have.
      After all, we are what we think 🙂
      Thanks again!

  2. Nakina Lawson

    Hey, Denny!
    I think I just got hit by the same bat!
    We become successful, and all the stuff that we think of as success just appears as a result of who we become. Whoa!

    I’ve really been working on my character lately. Most of all finishing what I start when I start it. I tend to wander away and come back to the uncomfortable tasks later. Instead of working in more comfortable spurts, I’m working hard to increase my productivity by tackling the hardest things, the things I don’t want to do yet right now, doing them well and finishing them before I move on.

    It is challenging. But when the trappings of success follow, it will be worth the change!
    And I expect it will get easier with time.
    It feels so good to get the hard things done first, and maybe I will get to where I like it! Lol!

    Thanks for the inspiration! Looking forward to your next post!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Nakina,
      Thank you for commenting! So glad you received something from the post!
      In every task we complete we are becoming. I understand about the hard things.
      I sometimes put them off until last. I learned years ago that when we do those things first it actually energizes us after it’s done.
      Then we work with less stress. It’s that “Eat Your Frog” thing Dean talks about. Although I know it doesn’t mean I always do it.
      The more tired I am the more likely I will put off hard tasks 🙂 oh well…
      Thanks for sharing your experience and look forward to seeing your continued progress!

  3. Kate Loving Shenk

    “True change is identity change!” This is a profound shift in how we think about success. And how we perceive ourselves.

    For instance, I believe through experience I must become another person entirely as I proceed through this process! That’s what real change means to me!!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Kate,
      Thanks for commenting and your feedback!
      It really does come down to becoming another person.
      Like recreating ourselves day by day!
      Thanks again for sharing 🙂

  4. Meredith Moore

    Hi Denny,

    I loved reading your update! There’s so much valuable insight here. It’s clear that you’re making real strides, even in the face of challenges like the Facebook ad suspension. Your focus on organic traffic and deep dive into the Affiliate System is truly great.

    I appreciated the emphasis on developing positive habits and not letting fear control your actions. It’s a powerful reminder that success is more about who we become rather than just chasing goals.

    Thanks for sharing your journey and all these great takeaways. I look forward to seeing how these new insights will shape your path forward!

    Meredith Moore recently posted…The Power Of A Strong “Why” In Affiliate MarketingMy Profile

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Meredith,
      Thanks so much for your comment and feedback!
      So glad you found the post inspiring and enjoyed reading it 🙂
      Yes, even in the face of challenges, the show must go on.
      After all, we can’t become successful without overcoming challenges, right?
      Thanks for following my journey, I look forward to sharing more updates with you!

  5. Sherri S Pulcino

    What an enlightening post! I really like to idea of writing down what I do at my desk every 15 minutes or so. I tend to get caught up in doing something that is not geared toward my business. I am taking on that idea. I also agree that we must become what we need to be to be successful. We must be the creator, the writer, the affiliate marketer.

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Sherri,
      Thanks for your comment and feedback!
      So happy you found the post enlightening 🙂
      That 15 minute task tracking will be so eye opening on what tasks we do in the scope of a few hours.
      I also get side tracked and tend to go from working to doing some personal stuff the work again.
      Let’s continue becoming successful… I don’t think it ever stops, just entering new levels of success.
      Cheers, Denny

  6. Andy Jacobs

    This is a post I will have to keep in my favourites and keep coming back to. There is so much inspirational stuff here. Well done, Denny, for laying it out so well. I can’t think of anything that could have missed out.
    Andy Jacobs recently posted…Catching Up With The Training SessionsMy Profile

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Andy,
      Thanks for commenting 🙂 so glad you were so inspired by the post!
      Yes, please bookmark it and come back to it as often as you would like.
      I appreciate your encouragement. Onwards we go to becoming successful!

  7. Sarah Goulding

    This post really hits home! It’s amazing how shifting our mindset can make such a difference. Your journey from focusing on success as a destination to seeing it as an identity change is super inspiring. Love the analogy about not just chasing the money but letting it follow the skills and habits you build. Keep pushing forward—you’re definitely on the right track!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Sarah,
      Thanks so much for your comment!
      I’m so happy you found the post inspiring and that it hits home!
      It certainly is a mind altering experience to now think of success as an identity.
      It all starts in the mind 🙂
      I appreciate your encouragement!

  8. Marc

    Hi Denny,
    Great post with some great reminders of what we should strive to become and do!
    Sometimes we definitely need to review the path we are on and reevaluate the steps we’re taking – that in itself can be a big challenge but, as you mentioned, if we make it a habit, we can make sure that we attain the objectives we had put forth.
    Thanks for the reminder once again!

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Marc,
      Thanks for commenting. So glad you found the post useful!
      Yes, I think reviewing our path and reevaluating our steps are important.
      It allows us to assess and make changes if needed so we’re always relevant!
      Appreciate you visit and hope to see you back 🙂

  9. Ken McGarvey

    Denny WOW you sure got a lot out of the training you refer to! There are so many things to elaborate on that as you say you could probably write posts for the next several months. The section: If you are to get the results you want, you must become the person capable of them really rings true in that we have to learn the skills in order to best use these skills. Looking forward to how you will use all this information in your up coming posts.

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Ken,
      Thanks so much for taking time to comment!
      Yes, so glad to her that section about becoming the person capable of success rings true for you!
      Consistently learning skill and developing as we move ahead.
      Looking forward to seeing you back again 🙂

      1. Martin Lefebvre

        Hey Denny! Thanks for sharing! I’ve heard these somewhere but where? Think I know. 😉
        I’m glad you took the time to write them down. Like you said, I agree we can take each one of them and make an entire post out of it. I liked the section about identity. Don’t pursue success, become successful.

        1. Denny Medeiros

          Hi Martin,
          Thanks for commenting and leaving feedback!
          I know where you heard it too 🙂 Great to be part of the same group!
          That identity component is potent! Perspective of what and why we do the things we do makes a huge difference.
          Were not writing, we are becoming writers with each post we write!
          Thanks for sharing and all the best!

  10. Atif Perwiz

    Denny, It sounds like you’ve been making great progress despite some setbacks! Training in the Affiliate System and learning new skills is a solid way to push forward. Your focus on positive habits and facing fears is inspiring. Keep up the great work, and I’m sure you’ll see the results soon. Thanks for sharing your journey! Atif

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Atif,
      Thanks so much for commenting and sharing your feedback!
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and found it inspiring 🙂
      I appreciate your journey as well, You’re doing some incredible work!
      Thanks for the encouragement, all the best!

  11. Eleanor Hope


    You are the best note-taker ever! I appreciate how you’ve condensed so much into one post!
    Yes, agree with you, for me the most compelling idea, is to become that person you want to be.

    I’ve got my eye on you.

    1. Denny Medeiros

      Hi Eleanor,
      Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement!
      I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and my note taking skills 🙂
      Here’s to becoming the people we want to be!

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